All of Intuitive Imaging's technologies meet or surpass industry standards. The ImageQube has 510(k) FDA clearance, including Mammography. Storage systems are state-of-the-art RAID arrays providing fault-tolerant, secure PACS storage. All components are fully HIPAA, DICOM, IHE, HL7 and SQL compliant. Technology is interoperable with other standards-based imaging equipment.
As a medical device with FDA clearance, Intuitive Imaging provides PACS components as integrated systems; hardware and software. The hardware has been validated, with specifications delivering optimal performance.
If you'd like a demonstration of our ImageQube Web-based PACS, please click here:
Runs on any desktop Operating desktopSystem, secure communication without VPN, distributed architecture, custom hanging protocols, paperless workflow, Teleradiology, Master Patient Index, built-in Peer Review, Critical Results, MPR, PET Fusion.
Mammography PET Fusion Critical Results Peer Review Teleradiology Storage & Disaster Recovery DICOM Archive ImageQube QuickCache Distributed Architecture Cloud 9 Advanced Diagnostics 3-D -TeraRecon Nuclear Cardiology - Invia Personal ImageQube High Availability |